Hypnor 7.5mg


  • Scientific Name: Zopiclone 7.5 mg. (2nd. Table of narcotic drugs )
  • Dosage: 7.5mg
  • Type: Tablets

Medicine Description

About Zopiclone A non-benzodiazepine, a cyclopyrrolone derivative, Hypnotic,Sedative. Mechanism of Action of Zopiclone Zopiclone is a non benzodiazepine sedative hypnotic drug. It has agonistic action on omega1 binding site of alpha1 GABA-A receptor subunit. Zopiclone potentiates the action of GABA and decreases firing rate of neurons. This will produce a sedative-hypnotic effect. Indications for Zopiclone 1. Insomnia Interactions for Zopiclone Metoclopramide: Concomitant administration may increase the plasma concentration of zopiclone. Atropine: May decrease its plasma concentration, when given concurrently. Trimipramine: If given along with Zopiclone may result in lessened antidepressant effect of the former.
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