Epicophylline 066%


  • Low Stock
  • Scientific Name: Acefylline Piperazine .066%
  • Dosage: 066%
  • Type: Syrup

Price: 7.5 EGP.

Medicine Description

What is Acefylline Piperazine? Acefylline is a theophylline derivative which is used as a bronchodilator similarly to theophylline. It relaxes smooth muscles, relieves bronchospasm & has a stimulant effect on respiration. It stimulates the myocardium & central nervous system, decreases peripheral resistance & venous pressure & causes diuresis. The mechanism of action is still not clear, inhibition of phosphodiesterase with a resulting increase in intracellular cyclic AMP does occur, but not apparently at concentrations normally used for clinical effect. Other proposed mechanisms of action include adenosine receptor antagonism, prostaglandin antagonism & effects on intracellular calcium. Sodium phenobarbital is a non-selective central nervous system depressant that is primarily used as sedative-hypnotic.
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