broncholase 120 ml


  • Scientific Name: Each 15 ml conatins: Ammonium chloride 0.5 gm Tincture Ipecacuanha 0.5 ml Chlorpheniramine maleate 0.0025 gm
  • Dosage: 120 ml
  • Type: Syrup

Price: 3.4 EGP.

Medicine Description

Broncholase ayrup is specifically formulated to contain two expectorants that increase the volume of secretions in the respiratory tract to facilitate their removal by ciliary action & coughing. This is achieved by a reflex irritant effect on the gastric mucosa. Chlorpheniramine maleate in Broncholase syrup blocks competitively the effects of histamine on H1 receptors & prevents the constrictor responses to histamine of bronchial smooth muscles. It reduces various allergic symptoms.
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